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Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:51 pm
by kasmichan
These are the new weapons..deadly when faced,deadly when used..XD
anybody care to tell me what they're called?

this one looks like I don't know..pretty much grenades but really? firing multiple grenades 1 meter in front of you..XD

I just found out there's a rail action that has 2 weapons on it..

Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:37 am
by Tobias
Yep, there are rail actions that utilise two different type of actions. I have thirteen of those RAs, not sure if there's more. All of those I have cost 70SP. Oh, RAs can be activated in mid-air, some guns such as gatling cannons need to be reloaded instead (press R + the weapon button), and I not sure if its already in BM1 but I can carry out OTG attacks...

Currently I'm using the "Pilebunker, Spread Missile" move for my Large Sword + Pilebunker + Spread Missile build, which is pretty fun, except that the Large Sword's auto-guarding capability has been drastically nerfed. Made my life a lot more difficult against them dagger users beating me up during my Large Sword startup animation... -.-

Still I find my favorite shinki ( :eukrante: ) pretty strong. She really can literally dance, zig-zag, and spin circles in mid-air. And at blazing speeds too! =) Who cares about ground speed when I can move and maneuver even faster with super low air-dashes. =X

Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:52 am
by arhra
kasmichan wrote:These are the new weapons..deadly when faced,deadly when used..XD
anybody care to tell me what they're called?
Assuming the names you mean are the highlighted lines on the right with the E next to them (haven't had a chance to play the game yet, so not sure exactly what I'm looking at, interface wise), straight romanisations would be "Sara Vatiinu+KR" and "Isorude+KY". No idea what they're going for with the first one, but the second one could be named after Isolde, which is the name of several characters from Arthurian myths/legends.

Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:19 am
by Rinkun
I think he mean the weapon type name which is "Particle blaster" these new weapon have a few different variation though so not all is awsome though.
Btw i complete the game already but how/where do you get the new set for arnval and starf? i can't even find the rank 7 starf set anywhere i notice the F0 participator change everytime you comeplete the game and they usually have the set so does that mean i have to keep doing that until someone with full set pop up :( ?

Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:23 am
by kasmichan
Rinkun wrote:I think he mean the weapon type name which is "Particle blaster" these new weapon have a few different variation though so not all is awsome though.
Btw i complete the game already but how/where do you get the new set for arnval and starf? i can't even find the rank 7 starf set anywhere i notice the F0 participator change everytime you comeplete the game and they usually have the set so does that mean i have to keep doing that until someone with full set pop up :( ?
rank 7 mostly abundant if you have the load from the first game since you won't be needing the low rank parts..they start to appear during the MKII event per each valhala also contains a lot of rank 7 parts..tempesta and lavina are mostly rank 7 and 6 and you'll get it first at club valhala aiming for gaia during your first playthrough..that's where I get the parts..

Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:27 am
by Shiaoran
I forgot to ask what's the deal with the second store, with fewer parts avaliable.

Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:20 am
by kasmichan
junkshop? nothing much in this second game aside from granting your the option to reset your shinkis though in the first game some weapons and armors there are essential..

Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:56 pm
by star
why is ianeira's stuff only available in that fancy store?

Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:47 pm
by higurashi9
star wrote:why is ianeira's stuff only available in that fancy store?
really i got most her stuff just by fighting other ianaria's
if you fight a eukrante you will unlock eukrante's gear same goes for any other shinki
so if you want ianaria's gear you should fight other ianaria's till you get them (thats how i play :D

Re: Battle Masters Mk.2

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:53 pm
by persocomsan
So, I'm curious. If we bought DLC characters in the first game does it take them from our old save file and allow us to have them in this one? Mary, Proxima, Raptias, Artille, etc? I haven't actually bought this game yet due to money problems but wondering what's the fate of the DLC's from first game.