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Busou Shinki in Singapore?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:36 pm
by rubixbox
Hello, everyone.
I was talking with my grandfather the other day about going to Singapore for Thanksgiving break, and I kind of figured that while I was there, I could look for some Shinkis. I figure that if I'm on the same hemisphere that Japan is on, it might be a tiny bit easier to find something. :biggrin:

So, I've got a question for anyone who lives in Singapore, or at least has been there: are there any sort of specialty stores that sell Busou Shinki?

Re: Busou Shinki in Singapore?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:35 pm
by Mikuo_Hatsune
when I was visiting relatives in Orchard, I remember there being a few stores which sold Japanese toys but I wasn't sure they were any Shinkis

the mall at Bugis has a Kinokuniya and near it is a anime/toy store, could try there
2ndly Orchard.. there was a few toy stores with all the malls surrounding them
thats all I can remember, sorry for being not much help

Re: Busou Shinki in Singapore?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:49 am
by quotemarks
Can I necro this to post an update of sorts?

I'm just posting to say that you can try checking out that new figurine/games/manga store (TOG, Toy Or Game) that has bought over 12 of Comics Connection outlets - I got Arnval MKI, Lirbiete, and Xiphos from them and asked them to transfer Vivietta for me.