That's cute. I personally don't think it's that weird that you think of a personality and a name for your shinkis. I guess I still play with my toys, so I also invent personalities and names for mine, at least, my favorite three. Whenever a new shinki joins my favorites and/or I play with it for a bit, I start to get a feel for whatever personality and name emerges. I usually don't sit around and ponder it, when the mood strikes, I sort of just fiddle around and let the imagination flow, sort of bringing a personality out of whatever facial features, appearance, accessory, as well as the situation in whatever story is going on in my head that character can fit into and the personality that demands.
But then again, making stories has always been my bit. Between writing, drawing comics and gamemastering for RPGs, I'm always awash in little stories. Maybe that's why I still play with toys.
Or maybe it's just cuz the toys are fuckin' cool.
Besides, isn't the 'name' just a production model name? Like the model name of a car?
I guess I'll do a bit of a summary on mine. For my shinkis, the modular armor units are considered requisition/approval only; per use, like approval for super packs or armor in Macross. So, most of them don't wear armor most of the time, and have favorite weapons that are more hand weapons or small arms.
Eukrante - "Maya"
Favorite Weapons: Black Dragoon Sword, Compact Shotgun.
A more experienced shinki, as she was the first shinki to arrive (my birthday present, last year). Her body has been worn out once, and was replaced with an MMS naked body, with several of the same attachments. Reasonably serious though light-hearted, she ends up playing the foil to most of the other shinki's antics. Other shinkis tease her, but respect her experience. Since the rest of them usually can't figure out anything to do, they usually rely on her to come up with adventures. She loves her scarf, which doesn't keep her warm, but is considered a 'fashion accessory' and secretly is jealous of her other 'sisters' from Magic Market (Ianeira, Vespellio, Graffias) who all have bigger boobs than she does.
Vespellio - "Risa"
Favorite Weapons: Combat Shotgun, 2mm Assault Rifle.
Rediculous and with a low affinity for reality, Risa is a shinki that is, for lack of better wording, airheaded. She is reasonably intelligent, however, has very little bearing on what is going on. She is quirky, silly and naive, though she likes to joke and make fun of both Maya and A.I.L.E.E.N. For the longest time, she wore standard Vespellio equipment, but has recently become friends with a Harmony Grace unit and traded parts and accessories for some stylish long black gloves and top.
Strarf - "A.I.L.E.E.N."
Favorite Weapons: None.
The brains of the operation, A.I.L.E.E.N. (Artificially Intelligent Labor Enhancement Engineer Node) is a shinki who specializes in data collection, processing, and execution. Her hair pieces are actually additional solid-state storage devices that allow her to store three times the normal data allowed. She is able to access large portions of interconnected networks (though is not allowed on 4chan for fear of personality corruption). The fins on her back are actually massive heat dissipation devices, which allow her internal systems to run at much higher processing rates than normal shinkis. She does not personally partake in actual combat at all, and instead, directs automatons, including clones of herself in strarf bis armor. Unbeknown to most, she prefers a mostly unadorned naked MMS body because she enjoys observing reactions, impulse and probability, and nothing stimulates action quite like a naked woman. If asked about why she goes around naked she simply states 'I am a free spirit.'
and Forte is there just because it's cooler that way.