PoisonedDeath's Shinki Squad

For showing off your Busou Shinki & MMS toys

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PoisonedDeath's Shinki Squad

Post by PoisonedDeath » Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:26 pm

Since I'm waiting for a Tsugaru and a Zyrdarya right now, I figured I'd introduce the rest of my group. They all put on their light armor today, but apparently only with the intention of letting me take photos of them. They've probably been distracted with preparing for the new girls.

Anyways, that's enough talking. Here's the group so far


Zero (Howling) was the first girl I got.


And next was Yuki (Juvisy). I think I got her less than two weeks after Zero, if I remember correctly.


And not long after her came the anti-Strarf... I mean... apparently-a-Strarf-but-doesn't-act-like-one, Natsu.


At this point, I took a... maybe 5 month break from buying more, but finally caved when I saw a cheap Benio, who's known as Kei.


Finally, my most wanted Shinki came home. Here's my Renge, Emi Noir.


And to finish off, one more group photo.


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Re: PoisonedDeath's Shinki Squad

Post by MrHolister » Sat May 06, 2017 1:32 am

Nice group.
Shinkis for sale or trade!

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Re: PoisonedDeath's Shinki Squad

Post by quotemarks » Tue May 09, 2017 10:10 am

Good crew you have there.

I'd like to have a Renge of my own too.
GNU Terry Pratchett

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Re: PoisonedDeath's Shinki Squad

Post by PoisonedDeath » Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:55 pm

Thanks, guys! Sorry that I disappeared for so a bit.

In the time I've been away, my Tsugaru and Zyrdarya arrived, and I also bought a Baby Razz and a Pomock. Unfortunately, I think it was not too long before the last two arrived, I had my Tsugaru with me at my house (I store my figures at my grandmother's house because I share a room with a cat), and my cat bit her head. I'll add more on that later, though, because first I want to introduce the newbies.


Here's Toge, my Tsugaru. Yes, this was taken before my cat decided she was a tasty treat.


This is Trixie and her sword is hands down the coolest part of her armor.


The totally-not-a-tsundere, DJ Synthia, who usually just goes by Synth. This girl came with numerous problems, and I'll probably ask for help with one part at some point because I can't figure out how to fix it. All the problems I've had with her have really stopped me from playing with this girl as much as I've wanted to, but I love this face of hers.


And finally, Kaede. She's adorable and I don't think I need to say any more than that.

So, back to Toge. Here's the damage:

I know I can paint over the paint chips (if anyone knows which paint is best to use, and what color, that'd be amazing!), but the main problem is the damage to the plastic. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good way to cover it up.

So, to finish off, here's the entire group (minus the floating head of Toge)


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Re: PoisonedDeath's Shinki Squad

Post by Caterwaul » Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:28 pm

When it comes to painting, well...usually it's whatever you're most used to.
Personally I prefer water based acrylics meant for minis. I'm used to those, and they're easy to cleanup.

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