First, the (horribly belated) celebration of activation anniversary for Patricia, Kureha, Yuki and even Greta.
"Horribly belated" because this time I decided to make all of their presents myself (rather than just buying something for them as usual) and the "making" part took a whole lot longer than expected.
So, almost a month and a half later the girls finally got their presents:

And here they are:

"Master, am I doing this right? It doesn't seem very stable."
"Don't worry, it's just like riding a bicycle."
"A "bicycle"?"

Eventually she got the hang of it.

Sort of.

"Riding a motorcycle is surprisingly hard..."
"Pushing is harder, you know."

Meanwhile at the shooting range...

A sniper is a sniper, no matter the weapon.

A reference to a certain illustration:

"Master, may I have some more ammo?"

"This is all I have for now."
"Only four?"
".50cal cartridges are not easy to come by, you know. But I'll see what I can do later."
For now someone is going to have to conserve her ammo.

Yukihana got herself a special ops heavy rifle. Good for silent infiltrations, but I guess it could be shorter.

Yuki clears a room:

Greta did somehow manage to pull off her signature pose with that machine gun:

...but shooting it normally didn't go so well. The case of the gun being larger than the girl?

A problem easily solved:

Nobody. Messes. With. Greta.

To be continued.